La “tripu” del Santa Eulàlia amb la “tripu” del Thalassa
Acte de benvinguda amb l’alcaldessa de Palamós, Teresa Ferrés
L'alcaldessa va hissar la bandera de la vila i va signar el quadern de bitàcola del viatge
Maniobres a bord per sortir navegant fins a Cala Castells
Moment de relax pel reporter Josep Anton Trepat
que tot seguit va gravar les maniobres del vaixell amb la inestimable ajuda de la policia municipal del mar
El nostre amic el poeta Josep Miquel Servia ens va recitar diversos poemes sobre el mar, especialment el seu poema dedicat al mar de Palamós i a tots els palamosins:
M’agrada el mar com és:
tendre, rebel, andrògin
–El mar, la mar, la mar, el mar…–
indòmit, canviant i generós.
M’agrada el mar,
pont d’homes, de cultures,
de somnis, d’aventures…
M’agrada el mar, calmat o furiós.
M’agrada el mar,
perquè ens fa l’ànim lliure,
perquè ens empeny a viure…
M’agrada el mar, callat o remorós.
M’agrada el mar,
i els matinals distesos
i els capvesprals encesos
del mar de Palamós.
Josepmiquel Servià
Pere Secorún a la roda del Santa Eulalia
Les nostres reporteres i la “tripu”
A la nit sopar a bordo del vaixell ofert per la confraria i concert en directe
Joan Cama a tot arreu,com sempre, disposat a que les coses surtin bé
I la "tripu" disposada a divertir-se
Una altra escala inoblidable
Hello!! I’m indeed very happy for the great cure that DR RAZOR rendered to me, I was a herpes patient my partner also was a herpes patient, we saw a blog whereby DR RAZOR cured herpes,(Me and My partner) decided to contact him which we did, he told us what we were to do,He sent us the medicine after preparing the medicine on the 3rd day and after taking the medication for 18 days he asked us to go for check-up after,Luckily for us we were tested herpes negative, now I believe all these Testimonies about him on the internet, he is truly a great man, if you want to discuss with him then these are his contact details,kindly contact the great Herbalist via: or call/whatsapp +2349065420442
ResponderEliminarHello!! I’m indeed very happy for the great cure that DR RAZOR rendered to me, I was a herpes patient my partner also was a herpes patient, we saw a blog whereby DR RAZOR cured herpes,(Me and My partner) decided to contact him which we did, he told us what we were to do,He sent us the medicine after preparing the medicine on the 3rd day and after taking the medication for 18 days he asked us to go for check-up after,Luckily for us we were tested herpes negative, now I believe all these Testimonies about him on the internet, he is truly a great man, if you want to discuss with him then these are his contact details,kindly contact the great Herbalist via: or call/whatsapp +2349065420442